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Appendix D: VIC-20 Custom Chips

This section describes the register maps of the Commodore VIC-20 Custom Chips. It is intended for the interested programmer, who wants to analyze VIC-20 programs written by others or even write his own. If you are only interested in playing your favorite VIC-20 game, then you do not need to worry about these details.

D.1 VIC (Video/Sound Controller) - 9000-900F

9000: Horizontal Image Position (Bits: 6…0, Bit 7:  Interlace Mode)
9001: Vertical Image Position
9002: Horizontal Screen Size
       Bit 7: Bit 9 of VideoAddr (see $9005)
       Bits 6…0: Number of Columns on the Screen
9003: Vertical Screen Size
       Bit 7: Unused
       Bits 6…1: Number of Lines on the Screen
       Bit 0: Character Size 0: 8x8 Pixel - 1: 16x8 Pixel
9004: Current Scanline (Bits: 8…1 - Bit 0 not available!)
9005: Video Address Register
       Bit 7:    Bit  15 of VideoAddr - Inverted!
                 Bits 14…13 of VideoAddr are fixed 0
       Bits 6…4: Bits 12…10 of VideoAddr
                 Bit   9 of VideoAddr is stored at $9002 Bit 7
       Bit 3:    Bit  15 of CharSetAddr - Inverted!
                 Bits 14…13 of CharSetAddr are fixed 0
       Bits 2…0: Bits 12…10 of CharSetAddr
9006: Lightpen X-Pos. (Bits 8…1)
9007: Lightpen Y-Pos. (Bits 7…0)
9008: Paddle 1 Position
9009: Paddle 2 Position
900A: Voice #1 (Low Frequency)
       Bit 7: Voice On/Off
       Bits 6…0: Frequency (inverted, *4)
900B: Voice #2 (Medium Frequency)
       Bit 7: Voice On/Off
       Bits 6…0: Frequency (inverted, *2)
900C: Voice #3 (High Frequency)
       Bit 7: Voice On/Off
       Bits 6…0: Frequency (inverted, *1)
900D: Voice #4 (Noise)
       Bit 7: Voice On/Off
       Bits 6…0: Frequency
900E: Volume/Aux. Color
       Bits 7…4: Aux. Color for Multicolor Chars. (ColorRAM Bit 3:1)
       Bits 3…0: Sound Volume
900F: Border/Background Color
       Bits 7…4: Background Color
       Bit 3   : 1: Normal Characters - 0: Reverse Characters
       Bits 2…0: Frame Color and Aux. Color for Multicolor Chars.

D.2 VIA 6522 (Versatile Interface Adapter)
VIA1: 9110-911F / VIA2: 9120-912F

91x0: Port B Data Register
91x1: Port A Data Register
91x2: Port B Data Direction Register (0: Input ~ 1: Output)
91x3: Port A Data Direction Register (0: Input ~ 1: Output)
91x4: Counter 1: Counter Register Bits 7…0
       Read:  Current State of Counters 1
       Write: Value to be loaded into Counter 1 at the next restart.
91x5: Counter 1: Counter Register Bits 15…8
       Read:  Current State of Counters 1
       Write: Value to be loaded into Counter 1 at the next restart.
91x6: Counter 1: Latch Register - Bits 7…0
       Value to be loaded into Counter 1 at the next restart.
91x7: Counter 1: Latch Register - Bits 15…8
       Value to be loaded into Counter 1 at the next restart.
91x8: Counter 2 Counter Register - Bits 7…0
       Read:  Current State of Counters 2
       Write: Value to be loaded into Counter 2 at the next restart.
91x9: Counter 2 Counter Register - Bits 15…8
       Read:  Current State of Counters 2
       Write: Value to be loaded into Counter 2 at the next restart
       and immediate restart.
91xA: Serial Data Register
91xB: Auxiliary Control Register
       Bit 7: Underflow of Counter 1 is indicated at Pin PB7
       Bit 6: 0: Automatically restart Timer 1 after Countdown has
              1: Timer 1 is stopped when Countdown is complete.
       Bit 5: Counter 2 Trigger Source (1: System Clock - 0:PB6-Pin)
       Bit 4…2: Control Bits for the Serial Data Register
       Bit 1: Port B Latch Enable
       Bit 0: Port A Latch Enable
91xC: Periphery Control Register
       Bits 7…5: CB2 Handshake Control
            000 ~ Input: Interr. on negative Edge
                  Read or Write access to Port B clears the Interr.
            001 ~ Input: Interr. on negative Edge
                  Read or Write access to Port B does not clear
                  the Interr.
            010 ~ Input: Interr. on positive Edge
                  Read or Write access to Port B clears the Interr.
            011 ~ Input: Interr. on positive Edge
                  Read or Write access to Port B does not clear
                  the Interr.
            100 ~ Output: Write to Port B Data Reg. sets CB2 to 0
                          Change of CB1 sets CB2 to 1
            100 ~ Output: Write to Port B Data Reg. sets CB2 to 0
                          for one clockcycle
            110 ~ Output Low
            111 ~ Output High
       Bit 4: CB1 Input: 0: Interr. on negative Edge ~ 1: pos. Edge
       Bits 3…1: CA2 Handshake Control
            Like Bits 7…5 but for Port A Data Reg.
       Bit 0: CA1 Input: Like Bit 4
       There is no way to detect the current state of Port C. Only
       changes can be detected using interrupts.
91xD: Interrupt Flag Register
       Bit 7: Control Bit
       Bit 6: Timer 1 Underflow
       Bit 5: Timer 2 Underflow
       Bit 4: CB1 Interrupt
       Bit 3: CB2 Interrupt
       Bit 2: Serial Data Transmission completed
       Bit 1: CA1 Handshake Interrupt
       Bit 0: CA2 Handshake Interrupt
91xE: Interrupt Control Register
       Bitwise correspondence to 91xD.
91xF: Port A Data Register (like 91x1, but no Handshake)

9110: VIA1 Port B
       Bit 7: RS232: DSR (Data Set Ready)
       Bit 6: RS232: CTS (Clear to Send)
       Bit 5: Unused
       Bit 4: RS232: CF  (Receive Line Signal)
       Bit 3: RS232: RI  (Ring Indicator)
       Bit 2: RS232: DTR (Data Terminal Ready)
       Bit 1: RS232: RTS (Request to Send)
       Bit 0: RS232: RXD (Receive Data)

911C: VIA1 Port C
       CB2: RS232: SOut (Transmitted Data)
       CB1: RS232: SIn  (Interrupt for SIn)

9111: VIA1 Port A
       Bit 7: IEC-Bus: ATN Output
       Bit 6: Tape Button Query
       Bit 5: Joystick Fire
       Bit 4: Joystick Left
       Bit 3: Joystick Down
       Bit 2: Joystick Up
       Bit 1: Unused
       Bit 0: Unused

9120: VIA2 Port B
       Bits 7…0: Keyboard Row Selection
       Bit 7: Joystick Right
       Bit 3: Tape Write Data Line

9121: VIA2 Port A
       Bits 7…0: Keyboard Column Result

912C: VIA2 Port C
       CB2: IEC-BUS: Data Output
       CB1: IEC-BUS: Data Input
       CA2: IEC-BUS: Clock Output
       CA1: Tape Read Data Line
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Source: http://www.infinite-loop.at/Power20/Documentation/Power20-ReadMe/AD-Custom_Chips.html
Power20 Homepage: http://www.infinite-loop.at and http://www.salto.at - EMail:
© Roland Lieger, Goethegasse 39, A-2340 Mödling, Austria - Europe
Last Changed: Feb. 29, 2008
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